Thank you Airstream Life Magazine for featuring us in your Fall 2021 edition!

We are delighted that Palm Real Estate’s article about working from our mobile office, Silvie, was chosen to be featured in the “Work Unbound” section.  Also, a special thank you to Clifford Holensworth for the  photography!  Read the full article in the Airstream Life magazine by clicking on the link below.

Follow Silvie throughout the Tampa Bay and Sarasota areas on Florida’s beautiful Gulf coast. Look for Silvie at open houses, new development openings, community events, festivals, fairs and fundraisers helping those in our community impacted by the pandemic.  Get updates and learn Silvie’s whereabouts by following us on Instagram @PalmRealEstateOnTheMove or “like” us on our Facebook page @Palm Real Estate On The Move.

If you need help with your commercial property and/or buying/selling your home, call Palm Real Estate (727) 304-2525. 


Read the full article